This will work when run from a read only device such as a CD-ROM, but it will not be able to remember the preference settings, as they are witten to the resource fork of the program itself. I did not want to go through the hassle of creating a preference file for a program that is under 20k!
Version History:
3/22/95 1.0 Initial release.
Look for spectacular new features in version 4.2!
Contacting the Author:
Please don’t hesitate to E-Mail me with condiments or bug reports:
Thanks section:
I would like to express many thanks to Troy Gaul for the use of his Infinity Windoid.
I would also like to thank everyone who hasn’t hired me. This has afforded me the time to write fun little things like this.
I take absolutely positively no responsibility if this messes up your stuff in any way (I don't possibly see how, but it seems like a good thing to say). This has been tested on my machine on my important data. Enough said.
Small Print:
This product is distributed as ShareShareWare. This means that if you like this program, want updates, and technical support, you must register. To register this program please pay the ShareWare fee for another program, and put it in my name. I am lazy in the payment of my Shareware fees and beleive that this would be a good way to get caught up. In review: send in the shareware fee to any program you desire in my name. Then tell me about it. I will then register you, and give you tech support and send you updates.
This fine product is not sold in stores. If you like it, use it. If you don't, don't. If you want to sell it, don't. If you are going to distribute it in any form, please get my permission. I'll probably let you do it for a candy bar. If you do it without my permission, at least distribute the original package without modification.
Really Freakin' Small Print:
Various products mentioned here are trademarked by their respective companies, etc.